Song Of Joy
Noah, The Flood and The Tower of Babel
Excavations in Eridu, 'Obeid, Erech, Susa, Tepe Gawra, Ur, Kish, Fara (Shuruppak), Sippar (Accad), Larsa, and Jemdet Nasr show that these cities were Pre Flood cities.  Tablets have been found expressing suggestions of a Flood.  Why would the earliest, primitive human beings write about a man and such a catastrophe unless in fact there was a Flood?
Noah and The Flood
In 1872 George Smith, of the British Museum found tablets discovered to have been
    made after the Flood at Ninevah. They reveal very similar stories to the Genesis
    record. Expressions such as "the age before the Flood" and "the writings of the time
    before the Flood" occur repeatedly on these tablets.
In 1929 Dr. C. L. Woolley on a Joint Expedition of the University Museum of
    Pennsylvania and the British Museum found near the bottom of the Ur mounds, a great
    bed of solid water laid clay, 8 feet thick without admixture of human relic, with yet the
    ruins of another city buried beneath it. He said that 8 feet of sediment implied a very
    great depth and a long period of water, that it could not have been put there by any
    ordinary overflow of the rivers, but only by some such vast inundation as the Biblical
    Flood.  The city buried beneath the flood layer was so different from the one above it
    that it indicated "a sudden and terrific beakin the continuity of history".
Between 1928-1929 Dr. Stephen Langdon, directing the Field Museum Oxford
    University Joint Expedition found a bed of clean water laid clay, in the lower strata
    of the ruins of Kish, 5 feet thick, indicating a flood of vast proportions.

Kish Ruins

in 1931, Dr. Eric Schmidt, of the University Museum of Pennsylvania, excavated Fara
    (Shuruppak, Sukkurru), home of the Babylonian Noah. He found the remains of three
    cities: the top one, contemporaneous with the 3rd Ur dynasty; the middle city, Early
    Sumerian; and the bottom city, Pre Flood. The Flood Layer was between the middle
    city and the bottom city.
Tablets were also found depicting a Babylonian Noah with a Flood story similar to the
    Genesis record.
Egyptians had a legend that the gods at one time purified the earth by a great Flood
The Greek, Deucalion, warned that the gods were going to bring a flood upon the
    earth, for it's great wickedness, built an ark, which rested on Mt. Parnassus, a dove
    was sent out twice.
The Hindu Manu, warned, built a ship, in which he alone escaped from a Deluge which
    destroyed all creatures.
The Chinese, Fa-He, is represented as having escaped from a Flood sent because
    man had rebelled against heaven, and his wife, 3 sons and 3 daughters.
England tradition: Druids had a legend that the world hd bee re-peopled from a
    righteous patriarch who had been saved in a strong ship from a Flood sent to destroy
    man for his wickedness.
Mexican tradition: One man, his wife and children, were saved in a ship from a Flood
    which overwhelmed the earth.
Polynesians have stories of a Flood from which 8 escaped.
Peruvian tradition: One man and one woman were save in a box that floated on the
    flood waters.
There are various legends among American Indians in which 1, 3 or 8 persons were
    saved in a boat above the waters on a high mountain.
Greenland tradition: The earth once tilted over, and all men were drowned, except one
    man and one woman, who re-peopled the earth
Ancient Babylonian inscriptions, after naming 10 Pre Flood kings, add, "Then the
    Flood overthrew the Land"

Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians, Hindus, Greeks, Chinese, Phrygians, Fiji Islanders, Esquimaux, Aboriginal Americans, Indians, Brazilians, Peruvians, and every branch of the whole human race, Semitic, Aryan, Turanian, all have traditions of a Great Deluge that destroyed all mankind, except one family. All these myths are intelligible only on the supposition that some such event did actually occur. Such a universal belief, not springing from some instinctive principle of our nature, must be based on an Historical Fact.  Though some of these traditions are mixed with polytheism and myth, they all show that the Flood had been fixed in their memories of earlier inhabitants. Evidence of the Genesis Flood can be seen all over the world: marine fossils on every mountain, fossil graveyards everywhere, and the Grand Canyon shows evidence of being created by a large flood like catastrophe. The Genesis Flood was a worldwide flood that formed many of our current geological structures.  This all looks like very tangible evidence that there really was such an event as the Biblical Flood.

Tower of Babel
Sir Henry Rawlinson found in a foundation corner in Borsippa, the traditional setting for
    the Tower of Babel, a cylinder with the inscription: "The Tower of Borsippa".
G. Smith found an ancient tablet with the writing: "The building of this illustrious tower
    offended the gods. In a night they threw down what they had built. They scattered them
    abroad, and made strange their speech."
Languages fall into a few large families. Resemblances are apparent and
    development can be traced back sometimes for 3000 years. Between the major
    groups--e.g. Indo-European and Semitic there is no resemblance.

With the Tower of Babel came the Confusion of Tongues, God's method of dispersing the race to its task of subduing the earth. In part, it may account for the variety of gods, and the variety of names of Pre Flood persons. The notion was to concentrate, to build powerful groups and cities instead of obeying the commands of God. The old spirit of rebellion, the worship of man, and human pride was in control. Excavations show their whole purpose whenever found was idolatrous worship and herein lay the sin of the Babel builders.

Abraham, Sodom and Gomorrah,
Joseph, The Seven Year Famine
The rivalry between Isaac and Ishmael, sons of Abraham, has persisted through the centuries in the antagonisms between Jews and Arabs. Yet, Abraham was the greatest, purest, and most venerable of the patriarchs, revered by Jews, Mohammedans and Christians. He is know as Friend of God, Father of the Faithful, Generous, Unselfish, A Superb Character, with Unbounded Trust in God.

Joseph married a daughter of the priest of On; and, though he had a heathen wife, and ruled a heathen kingdom, and resided in a center of vile Idolatry, he maintained his childhood faith in the God of his fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

On the tomb of Senusert II, of the 12th dynasty, at Benihassen, who is thought to have
    been the Pharaoh at the time of Abraham's visit to Egypt, there is a sculpture
    depicting a visit of Asiatic Semitic traders to his court (Genesis 12:10-20; 37:25;
In the towns named in connection with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: Shechem, Bethel,
    Ai, Gerar, and Dothan: there has been criticism that not only denied the existence of
    Abraham but also denied these towns existed during his time. Drs. Albright and
    Garstang have found, in the bottom levels of their ruins, shreds of about 2000 B.C.
    evidence that prove the towns did exist then.
In 1862, the Prince of Wales, by special permit of the Sultan entered the Cave of
    Machpelah, where Sarah, Abraham's wife, was buried. He saw tombs of Abraham,
    Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebekah, and Leah; and a circular opening into a cavern below,
    which was supposed to be the real Cave of Machpelah, and which was said to have
    been un-entered for 600 years.
Dr. Albright, who once considered Damascus and Sinai just legendary cities, because
    they were so far east, discovered in 1929, a line of great mound ruins of cities that
    flourished about 2000 B.C., indicating the region was well settled in Abraham's time
    and on the direct trade route between Damascus and Sinai.
Sodom and Gomorrah
In 1924, Drs. W. F. Albright and M. G. Kyle directing a joint Expedition of the American
    Schools and Xenia Seminary, found, at the southeast corner of the Dead Sea, great
    quantities of relics of a period dating between 2500 B.C. and 2000 B.C., with
    evidence of a dense population, a region "like the garden of God".; and that the
    population ceased abruptly about 2000 B.C., and that the region has been desolate
    ever since, indicating that it was destroyed by some great cataclysm. 
"Slime" (Genesis 14:10) was bitumen, asphalt, pitch, a lustrous black petroleum
    product, which melts and burns. There were vast beds of it on both sides of the Dead
    Sea. Considerable quantities of it have risen to the surface during earthquakes.
"Brimstone" (Genesis 19:24). Dr. Kyle said there was a stratum of salt 150 feet thick;
    and above it a stratum of marl mingled with free sulphur; and that at the proper time
    God kindled the gases; a great explosion took place; the salt and the sulphur were
    thrown into the heavens red hot, so that it did literally rain fire and brimstone from
It was written that Lot's wife was encrusted in salt for looking back. There are
    several pillars of salt at the south end of the Dead sea which have borne the name of
    "Lot's Wife".

This is indeed a most striking and overwhelming evidence of the historical truth of the Genesis story of these two cities. Everything about the region seems to dovetail exactly with the Biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah.

On an ancient papyrus in the British Museum, written in reign of Seti II, is written the
    "Tale of Two Brothers". The story has such close resemblance to the story of Joseph
    and Potiphar's Wife that the editor of the English edition of Brugsh's "History of Egypt"
    surmised that it must have been worked up from the incident, which must have been
    recorded in the annals of the Egyptian court: A married man sends his younger
    unmarried brother, and whom he had entrusted everything about his place, to bring
    some seed corn. The wife tempts him. He refuses. She, angered, reports to her
    husband that he tried to force her. The husband plans to kill him. He flees; and later
    becomes king of Egypt.
In 1912 Sir Flinders Petrie discovered ruins of a palace thought to have been that of
    Joseph's Palace in On. (Genesis 41:45)
Seven Year Famine
Brugsh, in his "Egypt under the Pharaoh," tells of an inscription which he calls a "very
    remarkable and luminous confirmation" of the Seven Year Famine.  In a tomb of a
    certain Baba, governor of the city of El-Kab, south of Thebes, erected in the 17th
    dynasty, which was contemporary with the 16th dynasty in the north, under which
    Joseph ruled, the inscription in which Baba claims to have done for his city what the
    Bible says Joseph did for all Egypt. The inscription reads: "I collected corn, as a friend
    of the harvest god. And when a famine arose, lasting many years, I distributed corn to
    the city, each year of the famine." Brugsh says: "Since famines in Egypt are of the very
    greatest rarity, and since Baba lived about the same time as Joseph, there remains
    but one fair inference: that the 'many years famine' in the days of Baba are the 'seven
    years of famine' under Joseph.


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